Confronting Inequalities! The Role of Citizenship Education
Date: 24 – 27 October 2019
Venue: Glasgow
Set against the ongoing Brexit drama, NECE 2019 looks at the growing rifts and inequalities in Europe and its neighbouring regions that are at the heart of the political crises in many democracies. NECE 2019 will discuss how the manifold forms and faces of inequality – class, income, gender, race, ethnic origin, talent and geography – are affecting the rights of citizenship in our societies, in other words inclusion and exclusion in society, participation or non-participation in politics, and last but not least individual opportunities in life. Our aim is to explore the socio-economic, political, educational and cultural dimensions of inequalities and their impact on approaches and practices of citizenship education in schools and in civil society. One fundamental question will be how citizenship education as a profession can learn to deal with the effects that inequality and poverty have on the lives of young people and citizens living on the margins of society.