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6th International Sport and Peace Conference
Дата события: 
18.09.2019 - 19.09.2019
Место проведения: 
Cape Town, South Africa
ⓒ Global Campaign for Peace Education


When: September 18, 2019 – September 19, 2019 


Where: Cape Town, South Africa


The overall aim of the conference and the work of its commissions is to look at how we can take Nelson Mandela’s vision for youth, sport and peace forward in 2019 and beyond. How can his view on peace and the role of sport in uniting people and eradicating all types of discrimination and racial barriers and as an effective communication mechanism with the youth be translated into specific actions? 


The event is brought to you by a unique partnership of the Foundation for Sport, Development, and Peace in collaboration with Western Cape Department for Cultural Affairs and Sport, Nedbank, the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the Robben Island Museum, the International Pierre de Coubertin Foundation, the Western Cape Network for Community, Peace and Development, Amy Foundation, Save the Dream Foundation, Sportanddev, the International Peace Research Association, the Africa Peace Education and Research Association, the Association for International Sport for All, the Cape Town Sport Council and their partners.


