The publication is slated to launch on Saturday, July 18, 2020 – Nelson Mandela Day at 3 PM, followed by a repeat at 8 PM (Indian Standard Time)
The publication titled ‘Rethinking Learning: A Review of Social and Emotional Learning for Education Systems’ reviews the latest research on social and emotional learning (SEL), its impact on student health and school climate and its transformative role in building happier classrooms.
The publication has been designed for researchers, academics, teachers, school administrators, practitioners and policy-makers in education the world over.
Children’s panel: ‘Do feelings matter in the classroom’
3 – 3:30 pm Indian Standard Time
(Repeat) 8 – 8:30 pm Indian Standard Time
A discussion between children from Bhutan, Japan, South Africa, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. Moderated by Dr. Nandini Chatterjee Singh, UNESCO MGIEP.
Message by Dr. Anantha Duraiappah / ADG-ED, UNESCO
3:30 pm
(Repeat) 8:30 pm
Importance of SEL in light of COVID-19, inviting people to read the publication and for decision-makers to take forward the key recommendations.
Message by Dr. Richard Davidson (To be confirmed)
3:33 pm
(Repeat) 8:33 pm
Dr. Davidson will discuss the importance of Social and Emotional Learning in education systems, explain the timeliness of the Review launch + express a few words on the Global SEL and Digital Pedagogies Partnership.
Message by the Hon’ble Minister of Education – Sri Lanka/ Hon’ble Minister of Education - Maldives (To be confirmed)
3:36 pm
(Repeat) 8:36 pm
The Hon’ble Minister of Education will formally launch The Global Collective on Digital Pedagogies and SEL, state its objective and importance and call upon Member States and other SEL organisations to join the partnership.