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Virtual PaRD Annual Forum and GAM in Berlin
Дата события: 
03.09.2020 - 04.09.2020
Место проведения: 
Online (Berlin, Germany)

Instead of an in-person meeting, a Virtual Annual Forum and General Assembly of Members will take place from 3-4 September 2020 - and bring together PaRD Steering Group and Work-Stream Co-Leads in Berlin.                              


The current COVID-19 pandemic proves to be a challenge to all of us. As you may be aware, with much regret and in consultation with the South African local host committee, the PaRD Steering Group has decided to postpone the next in-person PaRD Annual Forum and the PaRD General Assembly of Members (GAM) to August 31 - September 3, 2021 to be held in Cape Town, South Africa. We consider this necessary due to the recent developments relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, including its implications on everyone’s personal health and the society in general.


Nevertheless, since a regular exchange between members is at the core of our partnership, we would like to invite you to a virtual Annual Forum and GAM 2020 from September 3-4, 2020. The virtual forum will focus not only on ongoing collaborations and partnerships with local Faith Actors (LFAs) but also on existing gaps and challenges in partnerships, including those relating to the current response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The virtual forum will not replace the regular physical Annual Forum but shall provide an opportunity to discuss current challenges in the field of religion and sustainable development within our partnership and to work towards the next in-person forum in 2021. Further details will be shared in due time.


In case of any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the following e-mail-address: annualforum@pard.international.


Wishing you good health!


With best regards, On behalf of the PaRD Steering Group, the PaRD Secreteriat!


