In the process of continuously promoting the comprehensive modernization of education, the issue of what influence technology has on the development of education has caused many debates and disputes. Therefore, it is necessary to deeply explore the connotation of technology and the possible influence of technology on the development of education. Up to now, technology has been a concept with multiple connotations, which can be divided into two levels:core essence and peripheral influence. At present, the influence of technology with multiple connotations on educational development is manifested in three aspects:technology enriches and upgrades educational means, promotes and changes the action efficiency and life form of educational subjects, and influences and changes the way the educational world is organized. In the process of comprehensively promoting the modernization of education, the planning and application of technological forces in education should focus on promoting the all-round development of mankind in the world, not on defeating or replacing other forces, and pursue the organic combination with other forces. In addition, continuous introspection, feedback and correction are also very important.