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What Matters in Indigenous Education: Implementing a Vision Committed to Holism, Diversity and Engagement
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
Toronto | 2016 | 19 p.
Pamela R.Toulouse
Autor corporativo: 
Measuring What Matters: People for Education
Europa y América del Norte
© Measuring What Matters, People for Education, 2016

This paper, What Matters In Indigenous Education: Implementing A Vision Committed To Holism, Diversity And Engagement, explores an Indigenous approach to quality learning environments and relevant competencies/skills. It focuses on select work from People for Education and draws out the research, concepts and themes that align with Indigenous determinants of educational success. This paper also expands on this work by offering perspectives and insights that are Indigenous and authentic in nature.


Tipo de recurso: 
Documentos de investigación / artículos de revistas
Cívico / ciudadanía / democracia
Diversidad / alfabetización cultural / inclusiva
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Primaria
Educación Secundaria
Educación Permanente
Educación no formal