High urbanization, vulnerability, management problems, increasing risk of water-borne diseases and economic inequality are some of the main pressures on water systems in Latin America and the Caribbean, in addition to the consequences of climate change, such as extreme hydrometeorological events of droughts or heavy rains.
Communication and education have been identified as key tools to generate profound and fundamental changes to address these challenges. Digital media - especially in the era of the pandemic - accelerated the use of new technologies and consequently the emergence of new sources of information. In this context, academic knowledge and the dissemination of science acquire greater relevance in order to cope with the amount of information and manipulation of information.
The population deserves assertive, broad, objective and timely communication as part of their right to information for decision-making and participation in the care of water resources. In this sense, the top management of public organisations in charge of water management at national level and cooperation between countries needs to know the best practices in relation to their institutional communication, understood not only as social communication, but also as internal communication.
This seminar, organised by the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme of the UNESCO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (PHI-LAC) and the Ibero-American Conference of Water Directors (CODIA), aims to encourage reflection on the challenges of public communication on water and climate change, as well as communication trends, and to promote the exchange of good practices and collaboration, based on the questions:
- What experience, good practice or area of opportunity could you share in relation to water and climate change communication?
- What could institutions do or how could they coordinate to improve the efficiency of their communication programmes?
Aimed at Directors of water authorities in the Ibero-American region, their Directors and staff of communication, education, water culture, social participation, citizen attention, conflict prevention and basin organisations or similar, the seminar proposes an approach to the themes or strategic lines that should make up an integrated communication programme. The seminar will reflect, through the experience of expert officials and specialists, on strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats in the areas of: press, liaison, dissemination, events, internal communication, risk and crisis management, and measurement and monitoring from serious, comprehensive and systematic methodologies.
Link: https://bit.ly/3jgGYnQ