The issue of human rights remained the first in the list of human concerns and hopes, and one of the priorities that emerged on the shoulders of the United Nations within its established and difficult-to-reach programs and goals. There is no doubt that the most important causes of its emergence are attributable to those flagrant violations of human rights, especially those linked to war crimes and others against humanity, which prompted the major countries specifically to consider establishing a body concerned with the first of all the maintenance of international peace and security and the protection and promotion of human rights. , Through the Commission on Human Rights as one of the sub-committees established by the Economic and Social Council, which is tasked with preserving the sanctity of these rights. However, it soon proved ineffective due to the control of states violating human rights on the one hand and the politicization of their role on the other hand. Over the years, the committee dealt with human rights issues in ways that some commentators described as unsatisfactory and more sterile. As a result, the new body was established under the name of the "Human Rights Council" by General Assembly Resolution 60/251, and was considered the largest international body entrusted with the responsibility of promoting global respect. Human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without discrimination of any kind and in a just and equitable manner. Did the new mechanism, with its newly created composition, adequately address the weaknesses of the Commission on Human Rights? In other words, has the Human Rights Council added from its inception to today a greater value and contribution to the ؟protection and promotion of human rights?