현재 위치


Transforming Education Summit 2022: Futures of Education Briefing Notes
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
Paris | 2022 | 17 p.
단체 저자: 
전 세계 대상


National consultations that aim at developing a shared vision, commitment, and alignment of action across constituencies are one of the key TES workstreams. The Reimagining our futures together report is proposed as a framework for examining how education systems need to change to better serve learners and societies into the future.

A series of briefing notes have been prepared in alignment with the summit's five action tracks:

o Inclusive, equitable, safe and healthy schools
o Learning and skills for life, work and sustainable development
o Teachers, teaching and the teaching profession
o Digital learning and transformation
o Financing of education



자료 타입: 
컨퍼런스 및 프로그램 보고서
세계화 및 사회 정의 / 국제 이해
다양성 / 문화 이해력 / 포용성
지속가능한 발전 / 지속가능성
변혁적 이니셔티브 / 변혁적 교수법
교육 분야: 