현재 위치


UNESCO feuille de route pour la mise en oeuvre du programme d'action global pour l'éducation en vue du développement durable
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
Paris | 2014 | 38p
단체 저자: 
전 세계 대상

The Global Action Programme comes with a detailed implementation Roadmap. It is intended for all stakeholders – Governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, media, the academic and research community, intergovernmental organizations and other relevant institutions that facilitate and support learning and training, all the way to individual teachers and learners. The Roadmap explains the Programme’s goal, objectives and priority action areas in order to enable strategic focus and stakeholder commitment, together with implementation and monitoring strategies.

자료 타입: 
국제규범 / 정책∙옹호 문서
지속가능한 발전 / 지속가능성
education for sustainable development
environmental education