현재 위치


Eleventh meeting of the working group on Education for All, 2-3 February 2011, Paris, France: summary report
출판지역 | 출판년도 | 페이지: 
Paris | 2011 | 11p
단체 저자: 
전 세계 대상

The eleventh meeting of the Working Group (WG) on Education for All (EFA) took place on 2 and 3 February 2011 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The meeting brought together people representing governments, bilateral and multilateral organizations, regional organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs), research institutes, foundations and the private sector. Consisting of seven sessions, the meeting aimed to review the world’s progress towards EFA and identify policy actions that can accelerate EFA progress, in particular as regards quality education, effective advocacy for education, violent conflicts and education and financing for education. The recommendations of the meeting were to be taken to the tenth meeting of the High Level Group (HLG) on EFA (Jomtien, Thailand, 22–24 March 2011).

자료 타입: 
컨퍼런스 및 프로그램 보고서
세계화 및 사회 정의 / 국제 이해
universal education
educational quality
social justice