Scientists estimate that humanity has ten years remaining to solve the unprecedented global environmental challenges it faces. Business as usual is clearly not working – and we need to find ways to make exponential progress in addressing challenges including climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution management. Big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation can play important roles to ensure environmental sustainability and sustainable development.
To address the important role AI based solutions are playing to ensure environmental sustainability and sustainable development, UNESCO, in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme, StartUp Inside, and Microsoft, launched the AI for the Planet series in February 2021. The monthly “Tuesdays Together for the Planet“ dialogues are dedicated to highlighting AI applications in domains related to sustainable development and the preservation of our planet. The events host the world’s best experts and AI pioneers to share concrete use cases, identify best practices, celebrate successes and inspire further actions in the dynamic field of Artificial Intelligence. Since February, more than 6000 people from more than 130 countries worldwide have joined the digital convenings.
A special francophone edition will occur on 14 June 2021 from 2 pm to 7 pm CET, as an official side event of Viva Tech, Europe’s biggest startup and tech event. This edition will highlight initiatives and use cases from the French-speaking world with the aim to share best practices, celebrate successes, and inspire new actions and collaborations in this field.
This session will integrate some of the pitch finalists from the joint UNESCO-VIVA tech biodiversity challenge, where the startup community was asked for their ideas to harness AI to preserve our planet. UNESCO and Viva Tech partnered to foster innovative solutions to help manage ecosystems, restore natural habitats, and monitor biodiversity – to help us preserve our planet, and the health of its people. The most promising ideas will be presented during this special edition of the AI for the Planet event. The topics covered in this edition range from green infrastructures, maritime preservation, digital twins, and green investments and infrastructure.
More information and the registration form can be found on the AI for the Planet website (https://aifortheplanet.org/).