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Learning to Live Together in a Challenging World (SangSaeng no. 48 summer 2017)
مكان النشر | عام النشر | الترتيبات: 
Seoul | 2017 | 51 p.
ISSN 1599-4880
المؤلف المشارك: 
Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU)
جميع دول العالم

The 48th issue of SangSaeng, “Learning to Live Together in a Challenging World,” has been published. With nationalism on the rise and support for populist perspectives, this edition of SangSaeng emphasizes the global community’s efforts for tolerance and learning to live together. It contains articles reminding us of the importance of empowering learners to assume active roles to face and resolve global challenges.


3 Director’s Message

4 Special Column

4 Education of Harmony, Peace and Happiness

8 We Must Educate Global Citizens to Sustain Peace in the World

11 Focus: Learning to Live Together in a Challenging World

11 Access to Equitable Quality Education.

14 How Business Helps People Learn to Live and Work Together

17 Challenges in the Horn of Africa and Desire for Human Dignity

20 Ethnic Identity in the Era of Minority Recognition


23 Special Report

Shrinking Spaces: A Perspective from Iraq

26 Best Practices

26 Free2Choose-Create

30 Strengthening Literacy Learning in Lesotho

35 Youth Network

GCED & Youth: An Open Forum in Jeju

38 Interview

The Power of Music: An Agent of Transformation

42 Understanding the Asia-Pacific Region

42 Naadam: A Celebration of Culture

46 Bomena in Bhutan

50 APCEIU in Action


نوع المصدر: 
الصكوك المعيارية العالمية/وثائق السياسات والدعوة
المواطن/ المواطنة / الديمقراطية
التنوع/محو الأمية الثقافية/ شامل
حقوق الانسان
العولمة والعدالة الاجتماعية / التفاهم الدولي
السلام / ثقافة السلام
المبادرات التحويلية/ الأساليب التربوية التحويلية
مستوى التعليم: 
رعاية وتعليم الطفولة المبكرة
التعليم الابتدائي
التعليم الثانوي
التعليم العالي
الكلمات المفتاحية: 
civic education
international education
international understanding