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Call for Participants : “Capacity-Building Workshop for East Asia on Integrated Approach to Heritage Management: Tangible and Intangible Synergies” (Due 8 September 2024)
تاريخ الفعالية: 
اثنين, 2024/10/21 يوم الانتهاء أربعاء, 2024/10/23
Beijing, China

UNESCO WHIPIC, in collaboration with the UNESCO Regional Office of East Asia(Beijing) and WHITR-AP, is looking for participants in the “Capacity-Building Workshop for East Asia on Integrated Approach to Heritage Management: Tangible and Intangible Synergies.” to draw an integrated approach on heritage management in the East Asian region.


The Applicants are required to;

Be a pair of Site Managers of World Heritage properties;

Have nationality of China, Mongolia, Japan or the Republic of Korea and;

Have proficiency in English as working language.


If you are a site manager who wants to share the harmony of tangible and intangible aspect of your sites, please send your application to whipic@unesco-whipic.org


For more information: https://unesco-en.imweb.me/Notice/?bmode=view&idx=79349173&back_url=&t=board&page=1