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Brief Guidance Guide: To Combat Hate Speech on the Internet Through Human Rights Education
مكان النشر | عام النشر | الترتيبات: 
Strasbourg | 2016 | 68 p.
Ellie Keen; Mara Georgescu
المؤلف المشارك: 
Youth Institute; Council of Europe
أوربا وأمريكا الشمالية
© Council of Europe 2016

The Youth Institute has published “Bookmarks”, a guide to combat hate speech on the Internet, which aims to be a brief and useful manual for the dissemination of concepts related to human rights and freedom of expression, as well as to raise and face the challenge of defending these rights on the Internet from a young perspective. It also aims to become a practical tool for action, training and awareness-raising work, aimed at both young people themselves and trainers, to establish in a simple way the essential concepts related to online hate speech and provide mechanisms to combat it.


نوع المصدر: 
المناهج / مواد التدريس والتعلم والأدلة
منع التطرف العنيف / الإبادة الجماعية
مستوى التعليم: 
التعليم الثانوي
الكلمات المفتاحية: 
media education
hate speech
Educación sobre medios de comunicación
Discurso de odio