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INEE Thematic Paper: An Introduction to Education and Preventing Violent Extremism
مكان النشر | عام النشر | الترتيبات: 
| 2017 | 6 p.
المؤلف المشارك: 
INEE Education Policy Working Group Subgroup on Youth, Violence and Peacebuilding
جميع دول العالم

This paper was conceptualized and developed by the INEE Education Policy Working Group subgroup on Youth, Violence and Peacebuilding. Though there remains limited consensus on how to define violent extremism, this paper highlights some of the more commonly used concepts and working definitions, presents current thinking and up-to-date research, and provides some examples of how education can contribute to preventing violent extremism. INEE does not take a particular stance.
The paper is the most recent addition to the INEE’s work gathering resources on education and preventing violent extremism (PVE) from around the world, which may help policy-makers, teachers, principals, trainers, and researchers understand better the link between education and violent extremism and promote the positive ‘face’ of education.

نوع المصدر: 
السلام / ثقافة السلام
منع التطرف العنيف / الإبادة الجماعية
مستوى التعليم: 
التعليم الابتدائي
التعليم الثانوي