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تاريخ الفعالية: 
خميس, 2019/05/09 يوم الانتهاء جمعة, 2019/05/10
Bloomsbury, London
ANGEL Conference



The ANGEL Conference 2019 is a key UK event for those working in, or with an interest in, Global Education research. It will also function as a gathering for members of the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning(ANGEL). The event will be held 9 & 10th of May 2019 in Bloomsbury, London. The event builds on the success of the Global Learning conference organised by the Development Education Research Centre (DERC) in 2017.


The Conference is aimed at academics, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners from around the world and papers and presentations will cover all sectors of education, evidence from empirical based research as well as academic discussion on how to influence policy-makers.


The Conference will include a mixture of keynote presentations, academic papers and presentations from empirical research, debates on key issues and opportunities for meetings of specialist Journal boards, early career researchers, NGO practitioners and policy-makers. There will be parallel sessions on both days that will cover themes that have emerged in our submissions, including school based education, further and higher education and informal learning.


The conference aims to address 4 key themes:


  • Current challenges for global education


  • Opportunities created by the Sustainable Development Goals


  • Relationship to formal or further and higher education or informal forms of learning


  • Influencing policy-makers and contribution to policy development at a regional, national, European or international level


Registration is open now. Booking is processed via the UCL Online Store, with Early Bird rates available until the end of March. 


