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National Launch of 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report & Validation Workshop for Country Background Report for the Education Policy Review
تاريخ الفعالية: 
أربعاء, 2019/04/03
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

The National Launch of 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report on migration, displacement and education and the validation workshop for country background report for the Education Policy Review in Mongolia will be held on 3 April 2019. The main aim of the workshop is to enhance and deepen the localization process of SDGs and 2030 agenda for sustainable development at country level. The national launch of 2019 GEMR and validation workshop is co-organized by UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office, Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO and Mongolian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports. The education stakeholders and UN Country Team in Mongolia will attend the event. The 2019 GEMR (full report in English and summary in Mongolian language) is expected to be received by Mr. Baatarbileg Yondonperenlei, Minister of Education of Mongolia.


The highlights of the 2019 report to be shared at this year’s launch will help to facilitate dialogue among education stakeholders to review progress of SDG4-Education 2030 priorities and targets aligning with national education sector plans, policies and strategies, with a particular focus on issues relating to migration, which is of strong relevant to the status quo of the vast urbanization and migration issues and Education in Mongolia, to ensure no one is left behind.


This year the launch of the Global Education Monitoring Report is combined with the validation workshop for the Country Background Report (CBR) that is a technical contribution to the preparation of the Education Sector Master Plan (ESMP) in Mongolia. The CBR provides an in-depth analysis of the education sector in Mongolia and examines some key policy issues in relation to quality and relevance, and equity and inclusion. The CBR is aligned with the ‘Mongolia Sustainable Development Vision 2030’. It will discuss a series of recommendations relevant to the ESMP, based on the analysis of available evidence by a national expert team of the Mongolia Institute for Educational Research (MIER).


The launch of the Report looks forward to initiate discussion on delivering a more collaborative and rapid response to the education needs in the fast changing society with high rates of internal and external migration. It will look at both traditional and innovative approaches and models of further development of quality education for all children, youth and adults in Mongolia. The national launch shall be complimented and followed by policy dialogue on the current situation, education policies, education sector master plan and strategies related to migrant and displaced populations and education.



UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office

Theme page:

Education transforms lives


