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Asia-Africa Inter-regional Seminar on SDG4 (Education 2030): Youth and adult literacy in 'Lifelong Learning for All'
تاريخ الفعالية: 
ثلاثاء, 2019/08/06 يوم الانتهاء خميس, 2019/08/08
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Youth and adult literacy and numeracy is one of the 10 targets of Sustainable Development Goal 4 and one of the three global quantitative targets that express a commitment to universalize basic education for all by 2030. Specifically, Target 4.6 ensures that “all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy”.


This target regards literacy not as a standalone set of skills that can be developed and completed within a short timeframe, but rather as one component of a complex set of core competencies that require sustained learning and updating on a continuous basis. There is a critical need to ensure that youth and adult literacy are adequately reflected in sector policies, strategies and plans so that efficient and relevant literacy learning opportunities are developed.


UNESCO, as the specialized UN agency for education, was entrusted by the education community to continue in its mandated role to lead and coordinate the Education 2030 agenda. UNESCO regional offices in Bangkok and Dakar support SDG4-Education 2030 through different areas of interventions, including but not limited to a harmonized approach of integrating SDG4 in national education policies and strategies and building effective partnerships and synergy at the national level in the regions.


The Government of Malaysia, via the Malaysia Funds-in Trust, is supporting UNESCO’s Project on “Strengthening National Capacity for Sector-wide Planning to Achieve SDG4 in Asia-Pacific through South-South Cooperation: Africa Outreach”. To contribute to the attainment of the objectives of this Africa outreach project, and facilitate sharing of experiences on SDG4 implementation at the regional level, this seminar will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 6-8 August 2019.



To access the concept note of the seminar, please click here.


When: 6-8 August 2019


Where: Hotel Melia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Organizers: The seminar is being organized by UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education in Bangkok, UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for West Africa in Dakar, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg, and Malaysia’s Ministry of Education


Who: The seminar will bring together 50 participants from 17 countries in Asia and 10 countries in Africa, consisting of senior government representatives responsible for youth and adult literacy education and selected UNESCO field office experts and staff.


Event: 06 Aug 2019 - 08 Aug 2019


