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G7 France/UNESCO International Conference - Innovating for girls' and women's empowerment through education
تاريخ الفعالية: 
جمعة, 2019/07/05
France, Paris
© UNESCO 2019


When, local time: 

Friday, 5 July 2019 -

2:30pm to 5:30pm



France, Paris


Type of Event: 

Category 4- International Congress





Girls’ education is one of the most effective investments for development, yielding not only individual but also broader societal benefits. Despite considerable progress in closing gender gaps in education, 132 million girls remain out of school. Poverty, gender-based violence, early marriage and pregnancy, conflict and restrictive gender norms are among the barriers creating walls of exclusion for far too many girls.


The G7 France-UNESCO International Conference Innovating for girls’ and women’s empowerment through education comes in the context of the G7 Education-Development joint ministerial meeting. Organized by the French G7 Presidency, in cooperation with UNESCO, the conference aims to:


  • Highlight concrete and innovative initiatives and solutions to improve girls’ and women’s access to quality education and learning opportunities that empower and build knowledge and skills for life and decent work.
  • Provide space for new collaboration initiatives to advance girls’ and women’s empowerment in and through education.
  • Galvanize collective action to deliver on the 2030 Agenda commitments to girls’ education, women’s empowerment and gender equality.


Interlinking education, infrastructure, health and nutrition issues, enhancing skills and access to work through science and digital technologies, and innovating to break stereotypes, will be three major themes addressed during the event.


Please note that attendance to this event is by invitation only. Only registered participants, wearing a badge, will be able to access the conference room. Doors will open at 1 pm and close by 2 pm.





Speakers' biographies


Education and gender equality


Theme page: 

Education transforms lives

Leading SDG 4 - Education 2030


