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Making Connections: Using Museum Collections to Connect Historical and Contemporary Global Issues; A Practical Resource for Developing Global Citizenship through Museum Education
مكان النشر | عام النشر | الترتيبات: 
[Glasgow] | [2019] | 9 p.
المؤلف المشارك: 
Glasgow Museums; Museums Galleries Scotland; WOSDEC
أوربا وأمريكا الشمالية
© WOSDEC, Glasgow Museums, Museums Galleries Scotland

Looking at Refugees, Genocide, World War I, Suffragettes and Slavery, this is a practical resource to support educators to connect historical and contemporary global issues and develop the skills, values and attitudes of Global Citizenship through museum collections. The tasks and activities contained within this resource are aimed at providing ideas for museum educators and can work either in a gallery or classroom setting. Many of the techniques and approaches are transferrable to a range of different themes and collections.



نوع المصدر: 
المناهج / مواد التدريس والتعلم والأدلة
المواطن/ المواطنة / الديمقراطية
حقوق الانسان
منع التطرف العنيف / الإبادة الجماعية
العولمة والعدالة الاجتماعية / التفاهم الدولي
مستوى التعليم: 
التعليم الثانوي