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Lessons for Education during coronavirus: Remote student online examinations in higher education
تاريخ الفعالية: 
ثلاثاء, 2020/07/28

As much as 90% of higher education institutions in the world have replaced classroom instruction with distance teaching and learning during the COVID-19 crisis. At the same time, higher education institutions still had to award credits to students, allow them to move to the next year, or award them degrees.


How did they do it when students had to take their exams from home? To what extent does the crisis point to the need to rethink the ways higher education institutions certify their students’ knowledge and qualifications? The webinar will talk about short term and long term solutions.


Join Andreas Schleicher, OECD Director for Education and Skills, for a discussion on these questions and short- and long-term solutions to the challenges with guests:

Manuel Heitor, Portugal’s Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education
Roberta Malee Bassett, Global Lead for Tertiary Education at the World Bank
Andrew Ho, Professor at Harvard University
Christopher Buddle, Associate Provost of McGill University


Tuesday 28 July
14:30 (Paris time)


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