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Transforming mentalities: engaging men and boys to address the root causes of violence against women
تاريخ الفعالية: 
أربعاء, 2020/11/25

The Event


This virtual roundtable provides an opportunity to learn from inspiring global leaders and activists what it takes to eradicate violent mentalities harming women, how to engage and educate men to reject all forms of gender-based violence, and how to translate this commitment into actions that can make a lasting difference.


When: 25 November, 3:00pm to 4:30pm CET

Interpretation: English, French, Spanish

Register here (Password: 820451)


Towards a Call for Action


The roundtable will target decision makers at all governance levels, including UN Senior officials, Government representatives, community leaders and the civil society organizations and conclude with a Call for Action to scale up their efforts for the elimination of violence against women and take commitments to :

  1. Recognize that all forms of VAWG – including domestic, sexual, physical and psychological violence – seriously impact on the lives and freedoms of women and girls, and as such must be priorities on the agenda of the public and private sectors alike, and need to be addressed in coordinated ways through multi-stakeholder partnerships with a view to achieve policy coherence, effectiveness and efficiency;
  2. Leveraging the transformative power of education to promote peace and respect for diversity and raise awareness on the harm of gender stereotypes for societies by working with the media on gender responsive representations, thus supporting young generations to embrace healthy socialization processes, especially with women and girls;
  3. Undertake research and collect data to better understand effective ways of ending VAWG, especially based on VAWG prevention. Use this data to inform policies, legislations and practices that take into consideration specific gender-related vulnerabilities in an intersectional perspective;
  4. Identify and support innovative ways to engage men and boys for gender equality to prevent violence before it happens, building on the wealth of knowledge and expertise that local organizations have consolidated in this area and supporting such initiatives or scaling them up as appropriate;
  5. Launch advocacy actions to end violence against women and girls by engaging men and boys that will not only engage international bodies, but also build public support and engagement.


Click here to register and join the online high-level roundtable
Password: 820451


Should you have any question, kindly contact: gender.equality@unesco.org(link sends e-mail), and/or SHS.inclusion-rights@unesco.org(link sends e-mail) 

More information on this International Day here.


