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Global Citizenship Education - Changing the narrative around SDGs, roundtable and workshop
تاريخ الفعالية: 
خميس, 2020/12/03
© Bridge 47

A roundtable of experts from CSOs and institutions will kickstart the debate on Global Citizenship Education, organised by SOLIDAR and the DARE Network. The roundtable will be followed by an interactive workshop facilitated by Bridge 47. The event is taking place in December at the Lifelong Learning Week 2020, organised by the Lifelong Learning Platform.


Roundtable Moderator: Mikael Leyi - SOLIDAR Foundation, Secretary-General


The Roundtable will be followed by a workshop from Bridge 47 | 16:15-17:00


Organiser: SOLIDAR, DARE


When: 3 December, 15.00-17:00


15:00-15:05 Welcome Remarks Tamara Gojkovic - LLLP, Board Member

15:05-15:10 CSOs’ inputs to the RoundTable discussion Andrei Frank - SOLIDAR Foundation, Education and Lifelong Learning Officer

15:10-15:15 Nils-Eyk Zimmermann - DARE Network, Secretary General

15:15-15:25 Francesca Minniti - CONCORD Europe, Policy Coordinator

15:25-15:35 Perspectives from the EP Evin Incir - MEP, S&D

15:35-15:45 Massimiliano Smeriglio - MEP, S&D| TBC

15:45-15:55 Perspectives from UNESCO Lydia Ruprecht - UNESCO, Team Leader & Programme Specialist, Global Citizenship Education | TBC

15:55-16:10 Q&A




Global Citizenship Education must underpin the paradigm shift needed to achieve new normality after the pandemic. The pandemic revealed stark inequalities and societal failures in protecting people which require acknowledging the role of education in making a reality the strategy to achieve sustainable societies-socially, economically and environmentally-namely in the European Green Deal.


Furthermore, in the current social, economic and ecologic transformations linked to climate change, migration, or the digital transformation, it is becoming evident, that a global perspective in learning (which includes also a perception of Europe as a global actor), is contributing to a better understanding of these complex topics and therefore becoming a condition for democratic mastery of these challenges and for successful participation and active citizenship.


Participants discuss global citizenship, conflict resolution, diversity, human rights, interdependence, social justice, sustainable development and pluralism in values. They will address the skills that learners need and how they can be developed to ensure the promotion of a world that combats rising inequalities. They will consider how to better reflect environmental issues in education, to reflect the interdependence amongst global citizens, and namely how actions, rights and responsibilities in a context impact people globally, to reflect the unequal access to power and resources.


The roundtable will be followed by a 45’ workshop, offering space for interactive groups discussions on some of the issues addressed.


16:15-17h Workshop Description 


The workshop will provide the opportunity for smaller group discussions on some of the main topics addressed during the RoundTable and offer the space for interactive reflection on opportunities and challenges for education and learning, in view of the current health, environmental, social and economic issues we are facing. It will focus on what it means to be interconnected at a global level, and will explore those values, competencies and skills of transformative education that underpin our role and responsibilities as citizens of the world. The workshop will also engage participants in conversation around the ways GCE and transformative education can shift the narrative surrounding SDGs and be the cornerstone of a strategy to achieve a sustainable future for all, particularly in the context of the recovery from the pandemic.


The workshop will be facilitated by Natalia Kouhartsiouk from Bridge 47. Bridge 47 is a global network of individuals and organisations, interested in collaborating on the topic of global citizenship education with the aim of achieving the transformative education outlined in Sustainable Development Goal Target 4.7.



You can register here before November 29th


