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Citizenship and Lifelong Learning Monitor 2018
مكان النشر | عام النشر | الترتيبات: 
Brussels | 2019 | 11 p.
Sara Gharsalli
المؤلف المشارك: 
SOLIDAR Foundation
أوربا وأمريكا الشمالية

This Monitor is a contribution to further examine the relationship between citizenship and lifelong learning experiences and policy outcomes in and outside of the classroom in various European countries. Mapping the different approaches that SOLIDAR Foundation members have taken in promoting EU values in relation to citizenship education and lifelong learning for greater democratic participation of citizens, the outcomes will be disseminated towards European and national policy-makers and offers an array of best practices to collect, use and transfer among networks. The SOLIDAR Education and Lifelong Learning Forum will further work on the topic and develop a long term sustainable advocacy strategy for CSOs towards national and EU-wide authorities to influence the debate and revision of national curricula and education systems.


نوع المصدر: 
الأوراق البحثية/ مقالات المجالات
المواطن/ المواطنة / الديمقراطية
محو الأمية الإعلامية والمعلوماتية / المواطنة الرقمية
التنوع/محو الأمية الثقافية/ شامل
مستوى التعليم: 
التعلم مدى الحياة
التعليم والتدريب التقني والمهني
التعليم غير الرسمي
الكلمات المفتاحية: 
citizenship education
Intercultural dialogue
Media literacy