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Call for Participants: Strengthening Youth Capacities for Peace and Security
Fecha del evento: 
Dom, 2019/08/18

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is promoting a capacity-building course on democratic participation for youth organisations working on human rights and peacebuilding in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The course will take place in the framework of the 20th University for Peace and Development (UYD).

The training course “Strengthening youth capacities for peace and security" will build up the capacities of experienced youth peacebuilders and young human rights activists in the field of advocacy, political participation, conflict transformation and Prevention of Violent Extremism, enabling them also to use human rights mechanisms and reporting tools to address injustice and transform conflicts.

The outcomes and the recommendations of the Lisbon Forum 2018 and the quadrilogue seminar organised in the framework of the 7th University on Youth and Global Citizenship pointed out common challenges: the need to strengthen youth capacities in terms of knowledge and competences to better interact with institutional counterparts, to build alliances and to better use human-right tools and mechanisms.

The training course intends to meet those recommendations by providing an opportunity to develop youth-based and human rights-based competences, while providing a space to build new networks and explore new approaches on peace, security and human rights challenges.

Call for participants (including the link to application form)

Deadline for applications 18 August 2019