As part of its mandate in promoting Media Information Literacy (MIL) actions in Syria, UNESCO Beirut Office is organizing a training for two and a half days for youth NGOs on Media Information Literacy (MIL) in Damascus, in close cooperation with the National Commission for UNESCO in Syria and the Syrian Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MOSAL).
This activity aims at equipping youth and CSOs with the knowledge, tools and competencies to better manage their NGOs and to better deal with media and improve participants’ knowledge and skills.
Two and a half training days will be implemented in Damascus (17-19 July) to reach out to more CSOs and help them integrate MIL within their strategies and action plans.
The training sessions will consist among others:
· UNESCO and Media & Information Literacy
· The Concept of Media Education
· Media text: analysis and exercises
· Press releases: analysis and exercises
· Critical thinking skills exercises
· News Reporting: The Power of Visual Content
· Advertising and the audience: analysis and production
· Online safety (individual and business)
· Internet challenges and risks (media, legal, and social)