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Modalities of School Education on the Values of Citizenship in Light of the Principles Carried by Arab Countries Moving Towards Democracy in Order to Achieve Societal Integration (Herodote Journal; vol. 6, no. 1)
Lieu de publication | Année de publication | Référence: 
الجزائر | 2022 | p. 155-177
Zahya Shuashi; Noura Diradi
Publié sous la direction de: 
Herodotus Foundation for Scientific Research and Training
États Arabes
© HFSRT 2022

This research paper discusses the topic of citizenship education through the roles played by the educational and educational systems in the Arab world, and our topic will focus on the idea of valuing and promoting the integration and consolidation of the culture of citizenship in the educational field, especially since it has become one of the demands of democracy that Arab countries are trying to engage in. The challenges posed by the new world order, which is an attempt to be used on the level of educational curricula to respond to the social requirements, cultural values and aspirations of citizens, by consolidating the culture of citizenship through comprehensive education, while framing all of this within the societal cultural space called the school, but in order to achieve this. The school in the Arab countries must rely on an educational philosophy based on live programs and curricula aimed at consolidating ethics and true citizenship behaviors, which show their positive effects on the lives of community members, and we seek here to clarify the relationship between the idea of citizenship education by using curricula that are in line with the scientific development paths to advance the citizen's humanity The learner, so did the educational curricula in the Arab countries really contribute to achieving citizenship education?

Type de ressource: 
Documents de recherche / articles de journaux
Instruction civique / citoyenneté / démocratie
Développement durable / durabilité
Niveau d'éducation: 
Enseignement supérieur