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Tween Cyberbullying in 2020
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
| 2020 | 62 p.
Justin W. Patchin; Sameer Hinduja
Autor corporativo: 
Cyberbullying Research Center; Cartoon Network
Europa y América del Norte

This report presents the results of a nationally representative survey of 1,034 children between the ages of 9 and 12 years-old. The survey was conducted online from June 19 through July 6, 2020, and was fielded by Ipsos using their probability-based KnowledgePanel. KnowledgePanel is the largest online panel that is representative of the U.S. population. KnowledgePanel recruitment employs an addressed-based sampling methodology from the United States Postal Service’s Delivery Sequence File—a database with full coverage of all delivery points in the U.S. As such, samples from KnowledgePanel cover all households regardless of their phone status. Member households without Internet access are furnished with a free computing device and Internet service. KnowledgePanel members are randomly recruited through probability-based sampling, and panel members are randomly selected so that survey results can properly represent the U.S. population with a measurable level of accuracy, features that are not obtainable from nonprobability panels. Ipsos currently recruits panel members by using address-based sampling methods (the firm previously relied on random-digit dialing for recruitment). Households without Internet connection are provided with a web-enabled device and free Internet service. In contrast, “convenience” or “opt-in” surveys recruit participants through emails, word-of-mouth, pop-up ads online, or other non-scientific methods.


Tipo de recurso: 
Documentos de investigación / artículos de revistas
Derechos humanos
Prevención del extremismo violento / genocidio
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Primaria
Palabras claves: 
Online games