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UNESCO Online Webinar on Literacy for a Human-centred Recovery in Bangladesh
Fecha del evento: 
Lun, 2021/09/20
Lugar del encuentro: 
Online (Dhaka)

UNESCO Dhaka Office will organize an Online Webinar on Literacy for a Human-centred Recovery in Bangladesh from 15:00 to 16:30 (Dhaka Time) on Monday, 20 September 2021. You can check the draft agenda here.


This online webinar is a side event of the global celebration of International Literacy Day (ILD) 2021. Amid the pandemic, the ILD 2021 is celebrated under the theme “Literacy for a human-centred recovery: Narrowing the digital divide” to uphold the right to literacy and foster a resilient system for the acquisition of literacy and digital skills.


The Covid-19 pandemic has affected millions of learners in Bangladesh with a long school closure. This situation has accelerated efforts in deploying distance learning to maintain learning continuity. Semi- and non-literate young people and adults who tend to face intersecting disadvantages are at higher risk of being left behind.


At the critical juncture of reopening all educational institutions in Bangladesh as of 12 September, this online webinar will convene both international and national literacy stakeholders including government officials, experts, facilitators, learners, representatives of development partners and NGOs to:

  • Share good practices in literacy learning and teaching in high-tech, low-tech and no-tech scenarios in the challenging times of Covid-19;
  • Explore the interplay between literacy and digital skills and how digital skills can be meaningfully integrated into literacy programmes;
  • Discuss the necessary measures to address literacy learning losses; and
  • Build partnerships for establishing a resilient system for the acquisition of literacy and digital skills.


The webinar will take place on the Zoom platform with interpretation between English and Bangla. Please register here and share the information within your network.