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Leaving No One Behind: Impact of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Flagship Publication
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
New York | 2021 | 25 p.
Babatunde Abidoye et al.
Autor corporativo: 
United Nations Development Programme; Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures

This report by UNDP, in partnership with the Pardee Center for International Futures at the University of Denver, is part of a series examining the impact of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a potential pathway for socioeconomic recovery from the effects of the pandemic. The analysis explores a range of possible future effects of COVID-19 on different aspects of development while also highlighting the benefits of bold choices that can power the global recovery effort, accelerate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, and support investments that reap long-term benefits for sustainable development.
This second flagship report extends the analysis to the People and Prosperity pillars of the 2030 Agenda and focuses on 69 countries  in the low and medium human development groups. Pre-existing structural limitations and systemic challenges in their health and education systems, combined with porous safety nets and fiscal constraints, put low and medium human development countries at risk of being disproportionately impacted by the regressive effects of the pandemic and left further behind in SDG achievement.


Tipo de recurso: 
Documentos de investigación / artículos de revistas
Globalización y justicia social / Entendimiento internacional
Diversidad / alfabetización cultural / inclusiva
Desarrollo sostenible / sostenibilidad
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Primaria
Educación Secundaria
Palabras claves: 
sustainable development goals