Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been recognized as both drivers and enablers of progress in taking forward the progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4), which aims to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.’ The Education 2030: Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action calls on actions to harness ICTs to strengthen education systems, disseminate knowledge, provide access to information, promote quality and effective learning and deliver services more efficiently.
The UNESCO-Fazheng Project on Best Practices in Mobile Learning aims to guide school-wide planning and integration of mobile learning to create inclusive and equitable learning environments in order to ensure the quality, effectiveness and the relevance of education for digital economies and societies. It seeks to do so by sharing examples of successful school-wide mobile learning initiatives; assessing their impacts on the learning and the organization of school systems; and developing a guiding framework that aims to promote future e-school models and practices towards the achievement of SDG4.
The recently launched Call for proposals on School-wide Mobile Learning Models under the UNESCO-Fazheng project encourages schools, groups of schools and other school education providers and stakeholders to submit a proposal by 16 March 2018 (midnight, Paris time) on school-wide mobile learning models that have been implemented and proven effective. If selected, the schools’ models will be recognized by UNESCO as best practices in using mobile learning at the school level, and will be profiled as case studies in the upcoming UNESCO publication on Best Practices in Mobile Learning. The overall goal of the publication is to draw insights and evidences from successful initiatives to inform policy makers and school leaders about effective strategies in planning and implementing mobile learning programmes in varied contexts and in response to different needs and challenges. The selected cases will also benefit from high visibility on the UNESCO website and at international conferences organized by UNESCO.
To submit your proposal, please complete the online submission form in English, French, or Spanish by 16 March 2018 (midnight, Paris time): https://en.unesco.org/themes/ict-education/mobile-learning/fazheng/call-proposals
For more information, please contact fazhengproject@unesco.org