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The Role of Islamic Education in Countering Tribalism in the Age of Social Globalization
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
مكة المكرمة، السعودية | 2012 | 200 p.
آل جحراف، عايض بن محمد بن عايض
Autor corporativo: 
Umm Al Qura University
Estados Árabes

Methodology: descriptive approach. Chapter I: A general framework. Chapter II: Tribalism: concept, types, causes and negative effects. Chapter III: Islam's position on tribalism - a Historical overview of the emergence of tribalism; Holy Quran’s and Sunnah’s positions; Chapter IV: Social Globalization’s Position on Tribalism - the emergence of Globalization in general and social globalization specifically; social globalization, calls for Social mixing and the factors affecting activation of social globalization institutions; The Effects of Social Globalization on the Developing and Poor Countries.

Chapter V: Educational Principles that called for the rejection of tribalism”, including equality, determination and unified penalty, human rights and dignity, tolerance and philanthropy, justice and the rejection of injustice, moderation. Chapter VI: The role of Islamic Education in countering tribalism through educational institutions -the Family, the mosque, the school and the Media. Chapter VII: General conclusions and recommendations and proposals.
Following the prime results and recommendations, the researcher proposes the following: “conducting studies on discrimination against women, and within school communities with regard to teachers or students, as well as studying Sunnah educational methods with regard to countering tribalism in the civil society, and studying human differences and diversity in addition to linking it to Islamic education.

Also, there should be a study of some school curricula in order to examine the extent to which it addresses the issue of tribalism from the viewpoint of experts, as well as conducting a study of tribalism and its effects within the high school in Asir region as this region is characterized by tribal diversity”.

Tipo de recurso: 
Documentos de investigación / artículos de revistas
Cívico / ciudadanía / democracia
Diversidad / alfabetización cultural / inclusiva
Globalización y justicia social / Entendimiento internacional
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Primaria
Educación Secundaria
Educación Superior