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Teachers of History and the History and Citizenship Education Program: From the Transmission of a Memory to an Open and Subjective Citizenship
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
Québec | 2013 | p. 77-86
ISSN 1925-4873 (numérique)
Louis LeVasseur; Sabrina Moisan; Jean-François Cardin
Autor corporativo: 
Europa y América del Norte

The current program «History and Citizenship Education» for the second cycle of secondary education, on the Quebec history, raised many comments in intellectual circles because of its content since 2006. Some argue that the transmission of major historical events that shape the collective or national memory is non-existent, others argue that it should promote the development of critical thinking and citizenship skills, thus the autonomy of the student facing the memory collective or national. What position secondary teachers do they have in this debate? It’s findable out through the teachers perceptions about program and its three skills.

Tipo de recurso: 
Documentos de investigación / artículos de revistas
Planes de estudios, material didáctico y guías
Cívico / ciudadanía / democracia
Diversidad / alfabetización cultural / inclusiva
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Secundaria