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DERC seminar series: "Constructing global citizenship: How do children perceive the global?"
Fecha del evento: 
Mar, 2019/04/30
Lugar del encuentro: 
UCL Institute of Education, LONDON


Topic: Perceptions of the World and the Future, according to children aged 9-10 and the adults in their lives.

In this seminar, the speaker, Steph McAllen, will share the findings from her recent research in this area. This study was conducted with the intention of exploring the perspectives of children, first and foremost and comparing and contrasting these with the perceptions of teachers and parents, considering the cognitive and affective dimensions of their awareness as well as the extent to which they could be described as active global citizens.

Audience: Educators, futurists, researchers, policy makers and any other interested parties

Speaker Biography: Steph is a teacher who has worked in London schools for the last 10 years. She was previously a language graduate from Exeter University and has just completed a masters in Development Education and Global Learning at the IOE’s Development Education Research Centre.