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UNESCO at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2019
Fecha del evento: 
Mar, 2019/07/09 - Jue, 2019/07/18
Lugar del encuentro: 
New York, United States of America


When, local time: 

Tuesday, 9 July 2019 - 8:00am to Thursday, 18 July 2019 - 8:00pm



United States of America, New York


Type of Event: 

Interagency meeting


The High-level Political Forum 2019 (HLPF), including a three-day ministerial meeting, will review Sustainable Development Goal 4 for the first time since the 2030 agenda was adopted four years ago. Goals 8 (decent work and economic growth), 10 (reduce inequalities), 13 (climate action), 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions) and 17 (global partnership) will also be reviewed this year with an aim to strengthen their interlinkages with other goals and emphasize on implementation.


As the lead agency for SDG 4, UNESCO will be at the Forum and will be taking part in multiple events including:


Monday 9 July
1:15-2:45pm (UNICEF House) Ensuring a world ready to learn: Accelerating access to quality early childhood education
1:15-2:45pm (Permanent Observer Mission of the African Union) Data to Drive Effective Policies for SDG 4
3:00-6:00pm (Conference Room 4) HLPF SDG 4 Thematic review (technical level)


Wednesday 10 July
1:15-2:45pm (Conference Room 12) Protecting Youth and the Right to Education to ‘leave no one behind’: SDGs 4,8,10, 16, and 17
1:15-2:45pm (Conference Room 5) Reducing inequalities: a look at persons with disabilities
3:00-6:00pm (ECOSOC) Higher Education Sustainability Initiative
6:00pm (UN Visitors Lobby) Reception to launch the Exhibition: Education Transforms Lives
6:30-8:30pm (Belgium Mission) Education for democracy – a cornerstone for sustainable societies “What did we learn from the Global Education Meeting 2018?”


Friday 12 July
8:00-10:00am (Delegates Dining Room) Breakfast on Protecting education from attack in the 2030 agenda
2:30-4:30pm (Church House) Launch of the publication “SDG 4 Target 5: Gender parity, equality and inclusion in education”


Monday 15 July
8:00-9:30am (Delegates Dining Room) Breakfast on “Future of Education for Sustainable Development”
3:00-6:00pm (Conference Room 3) World Youth Skills Day 2019 celebration under the theme “Learning to Learn for Life and Work”
2.30pm (1B Neck area) Launch of the exhibition “Inspiring youth and improving perception for skills” on the occasion of the World Youth Skills Day
5:00–6:30pm (The Japan Society) Moving and learning: rethinking education and skills for global migration
6:15-7:30pm (Trusteeship Council Chamber) High-Level event on “Relevant equitable and inclusive quality education for the 21st century”


Tuesday 16 July
12:30-2:30pm (UNICEF House) Making evaluation work for SDG 4 Target 5: Equality and inclusion in education
1:15-2:45pm (ROK Mission) The Role of Transformative Education in Dealing with the Challenges of Our Times


Thursday 18 July
6:00-8:00pm (Ex-press Bar) Annual Celebration for an International Day Of Education For Global Citizenship



High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2019

Leading Education 2030

Education within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development(link is external)


Theme page: 

Education transforms lives

Leading SDG 4 - Education 2030