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SDG-Education 2030 Steering Committee Meeting
Fecha del evento: 
Lun, 2019/11/11 - Mar, 2019/11/12
Lugar del encuentro: 


This Steering Committee gathers on the eve of the last Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) decade and follows an in-depth review of SDG 4 at the High Level Political Forum (HLPF). The message from the Forum and the SDG Summit was unequivocal: we are not on track to achieve the SDGs and must commit to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, placing the inclusion imperative at the centre.


The Steering Committee’s contribution to the HLPF sets out clear recommendations, drawing on the Global Education Meeting in Brussels, UNESCO Institute for Statistics monitoring and projections and the Global Education Monitoring Report’s analysis of national approaches to SDG 4.


As such, this Steering Committee meeting will focus on ways to reinforce its coordination and strategic guidance mandate, building on the outcomes of the High Level Political Forum and other multilateral initiatives, strengthening linkages with regional mechanisms and influencing policy at country level to accelerate progress.


In addition a dedicated session on the Futures of Education initiative will be organized to present the scope of the project and opportunities for Steering Committee engagement.


In advance of the meeting and facilitated by the Secretariat, the Steering Committee will be encouraged to develop a joint statement to be delivered to the High Level Ministerial Meeting on Education of the 40th General Conference (13 November 2019). It should urge focus and action around a set of policy priorities to foster inclusion, equity and learning for all, especially the most vulnerable. This will also ensure a linkage between the HLPF, the SDG Summit and UNGA related events, and the General Conference, which gathers all 193 Member States.


The Steering Committee will also discuss and endorse the proposals of its four Working Groups (Inclusion, Higher Education, Skills, and Teachers), which are expected to develop recommendations on policies and strategies around central topics for educational development and to facilitate peer learning. The Committee will also agree on the status of affiliate members and the renewal of specific constituencies.