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BEAR II project facilitates a workshop to support the planning for national skills competition and also developing career handbook

As a follow up on the recommendations from the May 2019 skills competition and Career Guidance resolutions, the Entebbe sept workshop was convened. These resolutions were on need to ensure planning for National skills competition and reviewing career guidance handbook. The Workshop brought together participants from Ministry of Education, Principals from BEAR II targeted TVET institutions and other relevant stakeholders.


In order to improve on the perception and attraction of Agro TVET, key stakeholders and government of Uganda need to develop and support interventions to address the negative perception and promote skills competition on selected trades on Agro TVET as a means of improving perception on the subsector. To that effects, BEAR II project focuses on promoting the attractiveness of TVET so as to improve the perception of the trainees and other stakeholders on the relevance of TVET in the country’s economic development.


In responding to this strategic need above, MoES and UNESCO organised a workshop from 24th -27th to prepare for skills competition for year 2019/2020 and also support development of Career Guidance handbook to support career teachers in guiding and counselling young people in their choice of career in the area of post-harvest management and Agri processing. The workshop brought together 28 participants for the skills competition meeting and 16 participants for the career guidance and counselling tasks handling.


The participants of the workshop were drawn from Ministry of Education staff (especially the relevant departments that included; National Curriculum Development Center, Teacher and Instructor Training department, Technical Vocation Education Training department and Career Guidance Department), Ministry of Trade Innovation and Science, Sector Skills Council, Private Sector Actors and head of the targeted Vocation Education and Training Institutions, and Uganda Industrial Research Institute experts. these participants were therefore engaged in various activities around the theme of the workshop.


On the first day, the team had opportunities to discuss the skills competition coordination proposal submitted by FONUS (A consulting firm), the guidelines and roadmap for executing skills competition up to the end of 2019, and also the strategies for concluding with the pending skills competition activities beyond 2019. During the last two days, the team produce the first draft of career guidance handbook covering career opportunities in Agro processing and pot harvest management.


All the above activities were meant to realise the general purpose of the workshop which were to contribute to the preparation of Uganda for the World Skills competition and also to contribute to improvement of career guidance system in TVET institutions. Meanwhile the specific objectives of the conference were to; sensitize the principals of the targeted TVET institutions on BEAR II project; and skills competition; vet the skills competition proposal submitted by FONUS and also review the career handbook and ensure incorporation of career opportunities related to Agro-processing and post-harvest management.


The followings were some of the outcomes of the workshop;


The Principals of the targeted TVET institutions and the invited stakeholders were sensitized on BEAR II project, concept of skills competition and the road map for skills competition was also agreed on; the Skills competition proposal submitted by FONUS was discussed and vetted by the participants and finally the career handbook was also reviewed to incorporate carrier options related to Agro-processing and post-harvest management.


As a step forward, the following recommendations were agreed on from the workshop;


The technical committee are to ensure the launch of skills competition by 1st of November 2019.


The career guidance task team should; move towards finalising the draft Career Guidance Handbook by end of October 2019, develop guidelines for using the career guidance handbook by the end of November, support training of Trainer for the use of career guidance handbook by the 30th of December and finally ensure training of teachers on the use of career guidance handbook by 2020.