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Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Guide for Education Unions
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
[Brussels] | 2020 | 25 p.
ISBN 978-92-95120-07-5
Autor corporativo: 
Education International (EI)
© Education International (EI) 2020

This Guide is aimed at education unions as they work at local, regional, provincial/state, and/or national level to ensure the equity gaps that have been widened and deepened by the Covid-19 pandemic receive urgent attention and remedy. The purpose of this Guide is to support education unions as they advocate for governments to urgently address the key equity issues that have arisen within education as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The outcomes of an equity audit can enable education institutions and systems to adapt more effectively in a Covid-19 ‘new normal’ and help to undo the structures of inequality that prevent countries from realising the universal right to education. The Guide is not intended to be prescriptive, but rather to provide EI member organisations across regions with an introduction to equity auditing processes within education, and an overview of key questions arising from the ongoing pandemic that need to be addressed through the auditing process.


Tipo de recurso: 
Planes de estudios, material didáctico y guías
Globalización y justicia social / Entendimiento internacional
Diversidad / alfabetización cultural / inclusiva
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Primaria
Educación Secundaria
Educación Superior