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Teaching about the Holocaust in English Secondary Schools : An empirical study of national trends, perspectives and practice
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
| 2009 | 132p
ISBN 978-1-905351-11-4
Alice Pettigrew, Stuart Foster ; Jonathan Howson ; Paul Salmons ; Ruth Anne Lenga ; Kay Andrews
Europa y América del Norte

The aims were to examine when, where, how and why the Holocaust is taught in state-maintained secondary schools in England, and to inform the design and delivery of a continuing  professional development (CPD) programme for teachers who teach about the Holocaust. A two-phase mixed methodology was employed. This comprised an online survey which was completed by 2,108 respondents and follow-up interviews with 68 teachers in 24 different schools throughout England. The research reveals that teachers adopt a diverse set of approaches to this challenging and complex subject.  In the report, teachers’ perceptions, perspectives and practice are presented and a range of challenges and issues encountered by teachers across the country are explicitly identified.  The  research  shows  that,  although  most  teachers  believe  that  it  is  important to teach about the Holocaust, very few have received specialist professional development in this area.  It also shows that many teachers find it a difficult and complicated subject to teach, and that  they  both  want  and  need  support  to  better  equip  them  to  teach  about  the  Holocaust  effectively.(By the author)

Tipo de recurso: 
Planes de estudios, material didáctico y guías
Documentos de investigación / artículos de revistas
Derechos humanos
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Secundaria
Palabras claves: 