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Education for sustainable development country guidelines for changing the climate of teacher education to address sustainability: putting transformative education into practice
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
Jakarta | 2011 | 91p
ISBN 978-602-98372-6-1
Autor corporativo: 
UNESCO Office Jakarta and Regional Bureau for Science in Asia and the Pacific
Asia y el Pacífico

This document on ESD Country Guidelines for TEIs is the result of the Regional Training Workshop Programme, titled “Developing Capacities of Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Timor-Leste in Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability” and has been developed by the five cluster countries of the UNESCO Office, Jakarta. The developed guidelines ultimately aim to reorient each country's curriculum, policies, standard practices and programmes to address sustainability and implement it in a tangible way. Although many idealistic descriptions of sustainability and sustainability education exist, faculties of education must decide which themes should receive particular focus and create their own guidelines and design criteria on this specific area. Therefore, these ESD Country Guidelines are significant initial steps to ensuring teacher education programmes fit the environmental, social, cultural and economic conditions and goals of each country's communities, regions and nations.

Tipo de recurso: 
Planes de estudios, material didáctico y guías
Desarrollo sostenible / sostenibilidad
Iniciativas transformadoras / pedagogías transformadoras
Palabras claves: 
teacher education
education for sustainable development
transformative pedagogies