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Asia and Pacific Regional Preparatory Conference for the International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA) VII
Date de l’évènement: 
mer, 2021/09/22
Lieu(ou Endroit): 
Online (Bangkok)

Date: Wed., 22 September 2021
Time: 09:00–16:00, Bangkok (GMT+7)


Format: Online via Zoom


The International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA; hereafter also ‘Conference’) has taken place every 12 to 13 years since the late 1940s. The first Conference was held in 1949 in Elsinore (Denmark); since that inaugural event, the CONFINTEA has taken place in Montreal, Canada (1960); Tokyo, Japan (1972); Paris, France (1985); Hamburg, Germany (1997); and Belém, Brazil (2009). At the invitation of the Kingdom of Morocco, the CONFINTEA VII will take place in Morocco in 2022. It will be the first CONFINTEA since the United Nation’s 2015 adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the most significant event for the international ALE community in the lead-up to the target year of the 2030 Agenda.


With an eye toward the CONFINTEA VII, now fast approaching, five sub-regional consultations (East, Southeast, South, Central and Pacific) were held in early 2021 in view of capturing the diversity of contexts, trends and priorities within each participating region to date. More than 45 countries and relevant CSOs participated and presented at these sub-regional consultations. All key points made, and a summary of the proceedings will be presented at the Asia and Pacific Regional Preparatory Conference (APRPC 2021) of 22 September .


The overall goal of the APRPC 2021 is to mutually share and arrive at a collective understanding of the common issues, innovations, challenges and forward-looking strategies that are key to renewing policies and catalyzing action in youth and adult learning and education in preparation for CONFINTEA VII at Morocco (2022).


To register: Click here


The forum will be in English. There will be no interpretation provided.



  • Nominated high officials within the main Ministry responsible for ALE/CE/LLL/NFE
  • CSO representatives, UN staff, Academics and other stakeholders



Bkk Time

Tentative Agenda


Registration and technical test


Opening session

  • Welcome Remarks by Shigeru Aoyagi, Director and UNESCO Representative
  • Remarks by David Atchoarena, Director, UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)
  • Group photo (online)



  • Brief introduction on global preparation of CONFINTEA VII
    Werner Mauch, Team Leader MAL, UIL
  • Overview of objectives of the Regional Conference for CONTINTEA, Ichiro Miyazawa UNESCO Bangkok


Session 1

Sub-Regional Presentation (15 mins each, including QA)

Moderator: Ichiro Miyazawa, Programme Specialist, UNESCO Bangkok

  • East Asia 
  • Southeast Asia
  • South Asia
  • Central Asia
  • Pacific


Session 2

Inputs from CSO partners on ALE (15 mins each)

Moderator: ASPBAE   

  • CSO 1
  • CSO 2


Lunch Break


Session 3

Trends and Outlook of Online Learning of Lifelong Learning (30 mins)

  • Data and Statistics of Online Learning in Asia and Pacific 
    Speaker: YouTube/Google Asia and Pacific


Session 4

Innovative ALE and LLL Programs of Private Sectors, Governments and CSO

Breakout Session A (Skill Development for the Future)

  1. Accelerating Thailand: Digital Skills for Employment (Microsoft)
  2. Global Skills Academy (UNESCO and partners) - TBC
  3. Grow with Google – TBC

Breakout Session B (Online Course and Effective Platform/LMS)

  1. Intelligent Tutor and Chatbot
  2. Micro-credentials/Blockchain
  3. Online Course of Lifelong Learning and Community Learning Centers

Breakout Session C (Innovative Program for Disadvantaged Targets)

  1. Kiron Open Higher Education (TBC)
  2. SeniorsGoDigital Project (TBC)
  3. DigiVidyapeeth (TBC)


Session 5

Inputs for Draft Regional Recommendation (Draft will be circulated before the event) 

Breakout Session (Sub-Regional) 50 mins

Breakout Session A (East Asia)

Breakout Session B (South Asia)

Breakout Session C (Southeast Asia)

Breakout Session D (Central Asia)

Breakout Session E (Pacific)

Plenary: Results of Breakout Sessions (5 mins x 5 =  25 mins)

Moderator: Mr. Werner Mauch, UIL

  • Presentation of the Draft (Ichiro Miyazawa)


Closing session

Conclusion and Way Forwards

  • Remarks by UIL 
  • Remarks by UNESCO Bangkok (Director)


Organisers and Key Partners

UNESCO Bangkok Office and Field Offices in cooperation with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)


For further inquiries, please contact:

UNESCO Bangkok – i.miyazawa@unesco.org
UIL - a.owusu-boampong@unesco.org


Mian photo credit: ©Shutterstock/nepool


