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UNICEF Welcomes the Adoption of the Law on Ending All Forms of Violence Against Children by Uzbekistan Senate



TASHKENT, 15 August 2024 – The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), welcomes the approval of the Law for the Protection of Children from All Forms of Violence today by the Senate of the Olij Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The law, which now awaits the president’s signature, outlines prevention and response measures to protect children from violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation in all settings. The statutory instrument provides for multi-sectoral services designed to prevent and address violence against children.


Globally, data reveals that more than 1 billion children experience physical, emotional, or sexual violence each year. In Uzbekistan, the recent MICS study found that 2 in 3 children aged 1-14 (62%) have experienced violent disciplining methods, and 33% of girls aged 15-19 believe that a husband is justified in beating his wife. These statistics underscore the urgent need for comprehensive legal protections for children.


“We are excited about the passing of the law by the Senate. This is a landmark legislation for the children of Uzbekistan and represents a significant step forward in safeguarding the well-being and protecting them from all forms of violence.” said UNICEF Representative Ms Regina Castillo. “As UNICEF we are keen to start supporting the Government and the people of Uzbekistan, with its implementation.”


The Law on Ending all Forms of Violence Against Children provides a clear definition of violence against children and includes protections against various forms of violence, such as physical, psychological, and sexual violence, child neglect, exploitation, and bullying (including cyberbullying).


Further, it promotes the non-use of violent disciplining methods in family and school settings. Additionally, the law allows for the issuance of protection orders for boys and girls subjected to violence and includes legal safeguards to protect child victims from secondary victimization in criminal justice proceedings. The law also provides for wide dissemination of information about violence against children and how to seek support if a child is at risk or has become a victim of violence.


The law passed by senate today is the culmination of extensive working group meetings with line ministries under the leadership of the Ministry of Justice and the National Agency for Social Protection under the President. It is aligned with international standards and incorporates best practices from other countries in the field of ending violence against children.


“The law, when implemented can potentially leapfrog Uzbekistan’s attainment of numerous Sustainable Development targets related to ending violence against children, specifically SDG target 16.2 that aims to end violence against children and SDG target 5.2.1 that aims to eliminate violence against women and girls,” said Ms Castillo.


UNICEF stands ready to continue supporting the Government of Uzbekistan in the implementation of the law once it is signed by the President and comes into force.


URL: https://www.unicef.org/uzbekistan/en/press-releases/unicef-welcomes-adoption-law-ending-all-forms-violence-against-children-uzbekistan