In light of the knowledge and capacity gaps identified through the consultation, and building on the GCED capacity building activities conducted in West Africa over the past several years, UNESCO Dakar and the Institut de la Francophonie pour l’éducation et la formation (IFEF) will in 2018 provide capacity-building support in implementing Sustainable Development Goal Target 4.7, focusing on teacher education in Preventing Violent Extremism through Education (PVE-E) in 2018.
The workshop will aim at strengthening the capacities of Ministries of Education in West Africa and the Sahel to integrate PVE-E into their national education policies, curriculum, teaching and learning.
In recognition of the complementary mandate and role in PVE-E, UNESCO Dakar and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), through its Institut de la Francophonie pour l’éducation et la formation (IFEF) organized a regional capacity building workshop on the Prevention of Violent Extremism through education (PVE-E) that targeted education policymakers and teacher educators in 2017. According to the findings from this workshop, several dimensions of Global Citizenship Education have been so far reflected in policies and strategies in the region, but their actual integration into curricula and teaching practice appears to be in the early stage. More systematic support is needed to further strengthen the capacities of Member States in integrating Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDG) Target 4.7 from policy to practice and monitoring the progress.
UNESCO and Global Citizenship Education
Theme page:
Culture of Peace and Non-violence