The number of violent extremist attacks committed across the world has increased sharply in recent years. And there are more attacks on schools and students than ever before. So, why is this happening and what can be done to change this pattern?
The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) has developed a whiteboard video to illustrate education’s role in preventing violent extremism (PVE). The 5-minute video -- available in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, and Portuguese -- looks at some definitions of PVE and education’s role in fostering inclusive and equitable environments, encouraging critical thinking, promoting tolerance and respect for diversity, and thereby contributing to wider social cohesion and the reduction of violence in all forms.
For further information on education and PVE, please visit the INEE website (www.ineesite.org/preventing-violent-extremism), where you can find key activities and resources, including a curated catalogue of PVE resources.