Since its establishment in 2001, APCEIU has been organizing capacity building training workshops on Education for International Understanding (EIU) for educators to promote a Culture of Peace through education. The critical importance of preparing educators towards building a more peaceful and sustainable world has been reaffirmed by the increased attention to GCED (Global Citizenship Education), with the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Education 2030 Framework for Action in 2015. Fostering global citizenship is in line with EIU’s core values in terms of the promotion of learning to live together to make a more just, peaceful, and inclusive society.
The Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU (APTW), APCEIU’s flagship programme, aims to enhance participants’ knowledge, skills, and commitment to EIU and GCED and enable them to competently design and implement EIU/GCED activities in their local and national contexts. Designed as a Training of Trainers (TOT), the APTW not only encompasses key themes and concepts surrounding EIU/GCED, but also has a strong focus on creative methodologies and approaches to teach EIU/GCED. In order to achieve this goal, this intensive 9-day training workshop includes lectures, discussions, workshops, in-depth seminars, field visits, action plan development in small groups where participants can learn from one another and from the experiences they encounter during the workshop. Furthermore, participants are encouraged to plan and carry out their own training workshops to spread the messages of EIU/GCED after their participation in the workshop.
This workshop is sponsored by Ministry of Education and partnered with UNESCO Bangkok, supported by Korea Funds-in-Trust. 28 teacher educators/trainers in the Asia-Pacific region participated in the workshop and strengthened their understanding of Global Citizenship Education and discussed pedagogy, and action planning to practice GCED at national and international levels. This report provides an overview, summary, photographs and other information about the 17th Asia-Pacific Workshop on EIU (APTW).