



Resource Image

Supporting Learning Recovery One Year into COVID-19: The Global Education Coalition in Action

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Paris | 2021 | 90 p.
联合作者 : 
UNESCO; Global Education Coalition
地区 : 
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Thinkpiece: Are We Changing the World?; Reflections on Development Education, Activism and Social Change

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Belfast | 2015 | 19 p.
联合作者 : 
Centre for Global Education
地区 : 
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Learning to live together: education for conflict resolution, responsible citizenship, human rights and humanitarian norms

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Doha | 2013 | 270p
联合作者 : 
Education Above All (Qatar)
地区 : 
欧美地区 亚太地区 拉丁美洲及加勒比海地区 非洲
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Maintaining Global Citizenship Education in Schools: A Challenge for Australian Educators and Schools (Vol. 43, No. 4)

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Sydney | 2018 | p. 51-67
联合作者 : 
Australian Journal of Teacher Education
地区 : 
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A Theoretical Discussion on Universal Core Elements and Korean Distinctiveness in Global Citizenship Education (The Journal of Korean Education; Vol. 37, No. 2)

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Jincheon | 2010 | p.109-130
联合作者 : 
Korean Educational Development Institute
地区 : 
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[Video] Global Citizenship Education - The Key to a Just, Peaceful and Inclusive World

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
| 2015 | 1:29 (1min 29sec)
联合作者 : 
Global Education First Initiative
地区 : 
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Promoting Integration of Migrants and Refugees in and Through Education: Toolkit

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Brussels | 2018 | 31 p.
联合作者 : 
Education International (EI)
地区 : 
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Concept-Based Learning of History and Citizenship Education in the First Year of Secondary School

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Québec | 2013 | p. 297-316
联合作者 : 
McGill Journal of Education
地区 : 
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From Ethnocultural Diversity to Living Together: Examples of Future Teachers Using a Multicultural Approach to Education

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Québec | 2010 | p. 27-43
联合作者 : 
McGill Journal of Education
地区 : 
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A Global Vision for Citizenship Education: The European Model

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
القاهرة | 2010 | p. 185-195
联合作者 : 
The Egyptian Society of Comparative Education and Educational Administration (ESCEEA)
地区 : 
阿拉伯国家 欧美地区
