



Resource Image

Discussing Terrorism: a pupil-inspired guide to UK counter-terrorism policy implementation in religious education classroom in England

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
United Kingdom | 2016 | 18p
联合作者 : 
British Journal of Religious Education
地区 : 
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The Institutionalization of Global Citizenship Education as a Global Policy Agenda (Journal of Education for International Understanding; Vol. 15, No. 2)

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Seoul | 2020 | p. 47-95
联合作者 : 
Korean Society of Education for International Understanding
地区 : 
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Gender Report 2020: A New Generation; 25 Years of Efforts for Gender Equality in Education (Global Education Monitoring Report)

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Paris | 2020 | 84 p.
联合作者 : 
UNESCO; Global Education Monitoring Report Team
地区 : 
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Educational guideline: education for citizenship and coexistence

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Bogota | 2014 | 2014
联合作者 : 
District Secretariat of Education of Bogotá; Proyecto Educación para la Ciudadanía y la Convivencia (PECC)
地区 : 
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Guidelines for education sector plan appraisal

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Paris | 2015 | 24p
联合作者 : 
UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP); Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
地区 : 
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Do the Conditions in Chinese Secondary School Education Imply a Need for Global Citizenship Education? an Exploration of Six Secondary Schools in Jiangsu (Asia Pacifc Education Review; Rev. 21)

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Seoul | 2020 | p. 455–472
联合作者 : 
Education Research Institute of Seoul National University
地区 : 
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The New educational pact: education, competitiveness and citizenship in modern society

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Geneva | 1997 | 114p
联合作者 : 
UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE)
地区 : 
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Preparing teachers to educate for 21st century global citizenship:envisioning and enacting

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Toronto | 2014 | 23p
联合作者 : 
Journal of Global Citizenship & Equity Education
地区 : 
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Global Education in Estonia: The European Global Education Peer Review Process; National Report on Global Education in Estonia

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Dublin | 2019 | 84 p.
联合作者 : 
Global Education Network Europe (GENE); European Union (EU)
地区 : 
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The United Arab Emirates and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
UAE | 2018 | 26 p.
联合作者 : 
National Committee for on Sustaiable Development Goals
地区 : 
