



Resource Image

Citizenship education: Human rights, history and memory 50 years after the 1973 coup

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Santiago, Chile | 2023 | 59 p.
联合作者 : 
Ministry of Education, Government of Chile.
地区 : 
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Promoting inclusive teacher education: Introduction

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
| 2013 | 25 p.
联合作者 : 
UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the Pacific
地区 : 
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Strengthening Social and Emotional Learning in Hybrid Modes of Education: Building Support for Students, Teachers, Schools and Families

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Geneva | 2024 | 105 p.
联合作者 : 
UNESCO International Bureau of Education (IBE)
地区 : 
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Youth Advocacy Kit on Global Citizenship Education

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Seoul | 2018 | 33 p.
联合作者 : 
ⓒ Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU)
地区 : 
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The State of Global Education in Europe 2019

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
[Dublin] | 2020 | 62 p.
联合作者 : 
Global Education Network Europe (GENE); European Union (EU)
地区 : 
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Flexible Learning Pathways in Malaysian Higher Education: Balancing Human Resources Development and Equity Policies

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Penang | 2020 | 132 p.
联合作者 : 
Commonwealth Tertiary Education Facility (CTEF); IIEP-UNESCO
地区 : 
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EIU Best Practices Series No.40: Global Citizenship Education Capacity Building Initiative: Misitry of Education, Kiribati

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Seoul | 2015 | 27p
联合作者 : 
Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU)
地区 : 
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International forum on AI and education: steering AI to empower teachers and transform teaching, 5-6 December 2022; analytical report

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Paris | 2023 | 46 p.
联合作者 : 
UNESCO; JET Education Services (South Africa)
地区 : 
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Curriculum GlobALE: Competency Framework for Adult Educators

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
Hamburg | 2021 | 78 p.
联合作者 : 
DVV International; German Institute for Adult Education, Leibniz Centre for Lifelong Learning; International Council for Adult Education; UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL)
地区 : 
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Can Education Contribute to Peace?

出版地 | 出版年份 | 页数 : 
India | 2018 | 24 p.
联合作者 : 
Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (India)
地区 : 
