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Gender Report 2020: A New Generation; 25 Years of Efforts for Gender Equality in Education (Global Education Monitoring Report)
Lieu de publication | Année de publication | Référence: 
Paris | 2020 | 84 p.
ISBN 978-92-3-100411-7
Publié sous la direction de: 
UNESCO; Global Education Monitoring Report Team
© UNESCO 2020

Building on the 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report, this report investigates how inclusion in education can advance gender equality in and through education, which is critical to make progress towards gender equality in society. The goal of gender equality is, of course, not new. It was enshrined in the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and was at the core of the 1995 Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, whose 25th anniversary is marked in 2020.


Type de ressource: 
Documents de recherche / articles de journaux
Rapports de conférences et de programmes
Droits de l'homme
Mondialisation et justice sociale / compréhension internationale
Diversité / alphabétisation culturelle / inclusive
Développement durable / durabilité
Niveau d'éducation: 
Éducation et protection de la petite enfance (EPPE)
Enseignement primaire
Enseignement secondaire
Enseignement supérieur
Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
Enseignement et formation techniques et professionnels (EFTP)
Éducation non formelle